We have all heard the common excuse, "Well thats just the way I was raised" when referring to a differing belief or type of behavior. Covey defines this as psychic determinism, "your parents did it to you. Your upbringing, your childhood experience essentially laid out your personal tendencies and your character structure" (Covey 68). This is a part of three different social maps based on a stimulus/response theory. The other two social maps are genetic determinism and environmental determinism. Genetic determinism refers to the excuse that your grandparents did it to you, "It just goes through the generations and you inherited it" (Covey 68). Environmental determinism says that, "someone or something in your environment is responsible for you situation" (Covey 68). Covey puts down this theory, he claims that we have the ability to act based on our own self awareness without any other influences. Essentially, we have the freedom to choose. I know in my life I struggle with this. I tend to put a big emphasis on determinism in my life and therefore limit myself. Instead of assuming that I have independent will and the ability to act based on my own self awareness I let outside influences limit me.

Another subject that really struck close to home in the readings came from the excerpt of Covey's book,
Principle Centered Leadership, in the Anthology. One important quote that stuck out to me was from John Henry, "One secret act of self-denial, one sacrifice of inclination to duty, is worth all the mere good thoughts, warm feelings, passionate prayers, in which idle men indulge themselves" (192). The act of self sacrifice is something that everyone struggles with. Why would I give up my precious time when I could be doing something fun to help tudor a friend? When do I have the time to help volunteer in the community? "It takes sacrifice to serve the needs of other people- the sacrifice of our own pride and prejudice, among other things" (194). In order to be a good leader, sacrifice and humility are required. I know in my life it is hard for me to take the time to sacrifice for others, but I have learned that the rewards acquired from doing so far surpass the small personal sacrifice you had to make.